The human resources we are looking for are creative people.

Our mission is to generate new wisdom and creativity based on curiosity and creativity, in order to provide products that are a step above our customers’ expectations.
That’s why we want our staff to have the heart to take on challenges and evolve.
We also focus on training our staff and improving their technical skills, and have introduced various training systems such as NC School. We believe that those who want to continue challenging themselves to create things, are the winners who will support the industry of the future.


Use your interests to engage in “manufacturing”

Position/Chief  Joined in 2013

My previous job was in a different field, but I joined the company because I wanted to make things.
I started in a situation where I didn’t know anything, but with the support of my seniors’ enthusiastic guidance and training system, I am now producing jigs and tools using a multi-tasking machine.
I have been entrusted with the whole process, from ordering materials to process management, and I have come to realize the joy of manufacturing by completing products that match the drawings.
In the future, I would like to strengthen my team by focusing on mentoring my juniors. Also, by working together, I would like to contribute to the creation of a Sanei brand that pleases our customers.


Recruiting full-time employees

Monthly salary 170,000 to 250,000 yen, promotion possible (details will be discussed at the time of interview)
Business content Jigs and tools/optical parts creation
● NC lathe, setup, processing
● Complex NC lathe, setup, processing
● General-purpose lathe, setup, processing
Qualifications Regular car license Age up to 40 years old (Particular preference will be given to those with NC experience)
Benefits Transportation allowance, family allowance, perfect attendance allowance, etc.
Work location 1903-1 Hiraide, Tatsuno-cho, Kamiina-gun, Nagano Prefecture
Working hours ① 8:30~17:00  ② 8:00~16:30 ※Varies depending on assigned department.
Holidays Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, etc., 2-day week, year-end and New Year holidays, Obon holidays
Number of openings 1 person
Bonus Yes (twice a year)
Retirement allowance system Yes (3 years or more of service)
Trial period 3 months
How to apply Please feel free to call us using the phone number or inquiry form below.

Person in charge / Yanagisawa